Application &
Agreement for Meter

This form is required to apply for water service with the Suncadia Water Company (SWC). A separate application must be made for each individual parcel of land. Please see the “Suncadia Water Company and Suncadia Environmental Company Regulations and Guidelines” or the SWC Tariff, as approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC), for more information.
The customer shall fill out this application in its entirety prior to submission to SWC. If deemed necessary, SWC reserves the right to request additional information not asked for on this form.
A $30.00 Account Set Up Charge will be billed to your account once this application is received by SWC. In addition, all past due Ready to Serve (RTS) Charges and/or any other utility charges must be paid in full prior to granting water service.
After submittal of this application, SWC shall make a determination to either grant or deny the new service. If service is denied, the owner will be notified of the decision and the reasoning within 10 working days. The applicant can appeal “denial of water service” with the WUTC at 1-800-562-6150.